How the Goodyear Blimp explains how Gravity works.
First, if you haven’t already read it, I urge you to start with this primer on this new model for our Universe I’m proposing here:
Read it? Good. Now, to gravity.
I’m not a scientist, I just think about things conceptually and wonder how they could work, as you read in that previous article about Blimps and String Theory. Some scientists have suggested that gravity is a PULLING force, meaning, gravity PULLS you down and keeps you from flying off into outer space. Some scientists suggest that gravity is a PUSHING force, meaning, gravity PUSHES you down to Earth so that you don’t fly off into space.
I posit that neither are correct. Gravity is not pushing nor pulling. And gravity isn’t a particle either.
So what is it?
Return to the previous article as it suggests that the Universe is just one giant Lite-Brite. EVERY point in the Universe is nothing more than a one-dimensional string of energy. Empty space is a “Null String,” which means that it has zero vibration waves in it. It’s basically a circle or something close to it.
As you learned in the previous article, LIGHT is not a particle (a photon) that travels THROUGH space from A to B. Instead, it is INFORMATION that is COPIED from string to string to string to create the ILLUSION of motion.
So in this model, if empty space has ZERO vibration waves, LIGHT has just one vibration wave (explained in the previous article why this is). To get larger objects with “MASS,” energy strings must have more than one vibration string. The more vibration waves a string has, the more MASS it has as we define it. But what’s relevant here is that when a string has more vibration waves in it, it’s CIRCUMFERENCE DECREASES.
You can see this for yourself by taking a piece of string, tie the ends together, then lay it on the floor and shape it into a circle. Depending on the length of your string, your circle’s circumference will vary (as will the diameter and radius). Take one finger and pull a portion of the string away from the center to create a “wave.” As you pull that part of the string, it reduces the amount of string in the rest of the circle. Now, repeat that once, twice, ten times so you have numerous “waves” in your “circle” which is no longer a circle. While your string will have peaks and valleys, the overall circumference will be decreasing as the string compensates for the additional waves.
Still with me?
Now, either do this again with a few more pieces of string or just use your imagination for the next part. If you have a room full of string circles to begin with, they should touch each other with little to no space between them. As you begin adding waves to one of the strings, the space between that string and the adjacent strings will grow. There will be more EMPTY SPACE between your wave-d string and the rest.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Because you’re using strings on the floor, you will see a void form between your wave-d string and the adjacent strings. But nature won’t want to let that happen.
So let’s switch from the strings on the floor to a big room FULL of inflated balloons. There’s a little room between each, but for the most part, in this example, all the balloons are touching other balloons so that none of them can move in any direction. In this model, this scenario would represent “Empty Space.”
Now, look deep inside to one of the balloons wedged near the middle of the room. Imagine that the balloon starts to deflate. What happens? Do the adjacent balloons just stay where they are to allow a void of empty space to form as the balloon deflates? No, that’s not what happens. What happens is that as the balloon deflates, ALL of the balloons in the room will move TOWARD that balloon to disallow a void to form. If you deflate TEN adjacent balloons, the rest of the inflated balloons will move even more to avoid a large void from forming.
Still with me?
Now imagine that instead of your balloon losing air to create this scenario, the objects are energy strings which are losing CIRCUMFERENCE and becoming smaller. Same situation as we just imagined with balloons, but this time with energy strings losing circumference because they are adding frequency waves. In both scenarios, the adjacent objects… balloons or energy strings… the adjacent objects MUST MOVE TOWARD the object that is losing circumference.
Got it so far?
Now, think about a big swath of empty space out beyond our galaxy. Really way out there where nothing exists except empty space. Now in the middle of that area you’re thinking about, find the middle string and make it take on frequency waves. A lot of them. What happens, what have we learned so far? Yes, as your middle string adds frequency waves, its circumference shrinks and the adjacent strings MOVE to avoid allowing a void to form. Repeat this action with a gazillion strings. I don’t know how many strings it takes to make something the size of a planet, but that many. That’s what a gazillion is. Make ALL of those strings take on dozens or hundreds or even thousands of vibration waves. So many vibration waves that the circumference shrinks to half the original size or more. The more your strings shrink, the more the adjacent waves have to MOVE to fill that space to avoid a void.
That’s gravity.
Nothing is being pulled by anything else and nothing is being pushed. Instead, this motion TOWARD something else is merely nature working to prevent a void where there would be no energy strings of any kind.
For bonus points, think about a Black Hole. As scientists describe it, it’s a region of space where nothing escapes. Once a “thing” “falls” into that region, it’s not coming back out of that region again.
So, in our model here, a Black Hole would be a gazilliongazilliongazillion number of energy strings with a gazilliongazilliongazillion number of frequency waves in each such that the circumference of all of those strings approaches some kind of infinitely small number which approaches a singularity. The strings all still have all the “stringy” energy they had when they were just normal “empty space” circles, but now all of that energy is compressed into an infinitely small space with an impossible to measure circumference. That area of space is incredibly compacted which means that all adjacent strings will “MOVE” (see above) to avoid a void from forming as those Black Hole strings compact and compact and compact with more and more and more frequency waves in each.
As the adjacent waves “MOVE TOWARD” that region to prevent a void, they too take on the properties of the waves they are moving toward so they too “become” a part of that Black Hole. So that region of space… the Black Hole… increases in size as more strings MOVE INTO it and get captured.
So that, my friends, is what I believe gravity really is. It isn’t a pushing force nor a pulling force. Instead, it is simply nature abhorring a vacuum to prevent a void of nothingness from existing BETWEEN the strings which make our Universal Lite-Brite.